Facet Syndrome

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Each facet joint is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue and produces synovial fluids which lubricate the joint. Facet syndrome is commonly associated with traumatic hyperextension type injuries, faulty posture and degenerative changes to the cervical spine. These types of causes, all produce inflammation to the vertebral joint capsule and therefore gives rise to infra-articular pressure resulting in acute neck pain. The neck pain is well localized and may produce shoulder and base of neck pain. Most common characteristic of facet syndrome is a sharp pinching/locking in the neck when turning to the left or right and extending the neck.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Neck pain which may radiate out to the shoulder.
  • Pain when turning or extending the neck.
  • Neck stiffness especially in the mornings.
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in the arm/shoulder.
  • Pain while coughing and sneezing when acute.